Now that winter is here, many New Yorkers are getting excited about going to their favorite snowmobiling trail to blow away the winter blues with a thrilling ride on their sleds. If you think snowmobile riding is the sport for you, but you’re new to the sport, then it’s important to take care when selecting a snowmobile. This guide will help you buy your first snowmobile.

Establish a Budget

First, you should look at your budget and figure out how much you can afford to spend on a snowmobile. Many folks choose to use financing options on their purchase; if you’re doing this, you’ll want to determine how much you can put towards a down payment (usually ten to twenty percent of the sticker price) and towards monthly loan payments. Don’t forget to budget for storage, insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs, along with accessories like a snowsuit and helmet.

Know Your Limits

You’re not going to be able to ride the same high-octane, powerful snowmobile that a professional rider can handle with ease when you’re just starting out. Choose a general-purpose model that you can ride pretty much anywhere, and make sure it’s got a lower-powered engine and a lightweight frame. Agility is key when you’re just starting out with snowmobiling, so a model that can make twisting trails easier is the best choice.

Learn From Experts

Millions of people love snowmobiling, so there are plenty of blogs, periodicals, and professional snowmobiling associations that you can browse online to learn more about the best beginner snowmobile options. Maybe you even know someone who’s been doing the sport for a few years now and they could have some pointers for you. 

Looking for snowmobiles in New York? Stop by our dealership in New Windsor today to take a look at our wide array of new and used snowmobiles for sale. Moroney's Motorsports serves our customers in Newburgh, NY.